Rp 2.250.000
Exam Voucher
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With our platform, you're not bound by location or time. Access resources and take exams whenever it suits you, wherever you are.
Flexible Exam Scheduling
Your time is valuable, and we get that. That’s why we offer flexible exam scheduling, so you can certify when you're at your best.
Official Certification
Earn an industry-recognized certificate that proves your expertise. Show the world you're skilled, qualified, and ready for the next challenge.
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Up To 6 Months After Purchase
App Development with Swift certifications recognize students for their knowledge of Swift, Xcode, and app development tools.
Achieve exam success with our expert-guided study tools and personalised preparation paths.
An industry-recognized certificate that proves you've got what it takes to succeed in your profession.
Earn an official badge to show off your certification on LinkedIn and Credly.
Get full support and mentorship from us through webinars, learning modules, and personalized career tools to help you achieve your desired career.
Take the pretest on App Development with Swift Certified User to find out which package you should get that suits your current level of skill!
You will get this material for certification later and access to GMetrix and LearnKey
Xcode Developer Tools
Swift Programming Language
View Building with SwiftUI
For more details, download the syllabus
Download Objective Domains
Learn with LearnKey
Practice with CertPREP
Schedule a time to take your Exams From Home
Get certified, be qualified!
Learn with LearnKey
Practice with CertPREP
Schedule a time to take your Exams From Home
Get certified, be qualified!
What will I get from purchasing the App Development with Swift Certified User certification?
Will I receive a degree after completing the App Development with Swift Certified User certification?
How long is the validity of the App Development with Swift Certified User certification?
What topics are tested in the App Development with Swift Certified User certification?
Is the App Development with Swift Certified User certification issued by an official institution?
Can I retake the App Development with Swift Certified User certification exam if I fail?
What is the App Development with Swift Certified User certification?
How do I get the App Development with Swift Certified User certification?
How much does the App Development with Swift Certified User certification cost?
Can the App Development with Swift Certified User certification be included in my CV?
What are the required specifications to take the exam?
What is Gmetrix?
What is LearnKey?
What is CertPREP?
How can I prepare for the exam?
All-in Package (LearnKey, CertPREP, Retake)
Rp 2.250.000