Generasi Siap Kerja
Prepare Your Students to Become Qualified Digital Professionals
Let's create graduates with recognized abilities who are able to compete on the global stage, and increase your institution's accreditation according to the Indikator Kinerja Utama Perguruan Tinggi that occurs in the environment Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi

Achieve Excellent Accreditation, Produce High-Quality Graduates
In an effort to meet the Key Performance Indicators (IKU) set by the Ministry of Education and Culture to improve the quality of higher education, MyEduSolve launched Generation Ready to Work. Difficulties in connecting higher education curricula with current job market needs and improving the quality of graduates are challenges for educational institutions.
Generation Ready to Work from MyEduSolve, which is held online, directly addresses this challenge. This program makes access to international standard certification easy for anyone, anywhere, at an affordable cost. This program is designed to incorporate certification into the educational curriculum in a relevant and sustainable manner.
Program participants who already have basic skills from institutions, whether from vocational schools, high schools or college, will be equipped with preparation for the world of work. This program is MyEduSolve's step in responding to and meeting the needs of a highly competitive workforce, as well as improving the quality and accreditation of educational institutions.
Identify Institutional Needs
We focus on understanding your institution's specific needs and how our certification program can be integrated with your existing curriculum:
Programs customized to educational needs.
Integrated implementation and execution program.
Meet the needs of students with relevant certification.
Planning & Execution
We create a curated certification program based on your needs, and introduce our features and services:
Determine the program according to academic needs.
Introducing our best features and services.
Carry out instructions on the material.
Organize practice sessions for exam preparation.
Full support during the certification process.

Career Assistance with #DIAN
After success in the exam, our #DIAN Team will help students utilize the maximum potential of certification:
Help graduates update LinkedIn with digital badges.
Career consultant to design career plans.
Prepare participants with interview practice sessions.
Provides the latest insight into industry trends.
Support from experienced professional mentors in their fields.
Our Top Programs
Education Partners
We are proud to have been a trusted partner in developing the quality of graduates and working together with the Ministry of Education and Culture, as well as various higher education institutions

Testimonials From Educational Institutions
Our partners opinions on the impact of certification programs on student learning outcomes.
Get Started with Free Consultation
Fill out the form below to sign in to our program. After submitting your application, we will contact you soon.