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Try Free Certification Exam For Your Institution

Our learning products are mapped to prepare students for exam success, and can be integrated within existing curriculums. MyEduSolve is offering a limited time, 30-day free trial for your institution.

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Available free learning product


Performance-based assessment and test preparation tool. The tests are aligned with learning objectives and therefore deliver an accurate practice experience.

CertPREP provides a realistic exam simulation so that your students know what to expect come exam day.


Video-based e-learning courseware, interactive labs, and prescriptive study guides. LearnKey brings the classroom experience to you - where and when you need it.

Through LearnKey, your students can study for the certification exam at their own pace.

Available certification program

Adobe Sample Certificates
Adobe logo
Microsoft Sample Certificates
Microsoft logo
Microsoft Certified Fundamentals Sample Certificates
Microsoft Certified Fundamentals logo
Project Management Institute Sample Certificates
Project Management Institute logo
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Free Trial Advantages

Find the right solution for your teaching needs

30-day free trial allows you to explore and evaluate our learning products to find the right solution for different curriculums, teaching methods, and learning styles. Ensure that you are making an informed decision before you make a purchase.

Find the right solution for your teaching needs image

Fully review features

Explore all of the different features of your chosen certification program! Check out CertPREP’s exam simulations, LearnKey’s video courseware, and more. Use the trial to understand how each feature works together to create a complete learning journey for students.

Fully review features image

Receive feedback from students and educators

Students and educators try out the certification programs first so you can collect feedback on whether this is an effective solution for them. Receiving feedback firsthand can provide valuable insights into how the programs work in real classroom settings.

Receive feedback from students and educators image

Map to current curriculum

Use the trial to check how effectively your chosen certification program can be integrated within your existing curriculum. Before buying, understand what adjustments need to be made and how to best support educators in teaching the program, and students in learning.

Map to current curriculum image

Provide tools to enhance personalised learning

Our learning products are designed to be self-paced, which means students can personalise the learning journey to their needs.

Provide tools to enhance personalised learning image

Prepare students for certification exam success

Trial the program to understand what is needed for success in the certification exam. Then, use these insights to help students prepare effectively for the test.

Prepare students for certification exam success image

Get your students an upskilling learning program.

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