Rp 1.500.000
Exam Voucher
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With our platform, you're not bound by location or time. Access resources and take exams whenever it suits you, wherever you are.
Flexible Exam Scheduling
Your time is valuable, and we get that. That’s why we offer flexible exam scheduling, so you can certify when you're at your best.
Official Certification
Earn an industry-recognized certificate that proves your expertise. Show the world you're skilled, qualified, and ready for the next challenge.
The Microsoft Certified Word Associate Certification demonstrates competency in the correct application of the principle features of Word by creating and editing documents for a variety of purposes and situations.
Microsoft Office Specialist Program certification exams use a performance-based format testing a candidate’s knowledge, skills and abilities using the Microsoft Office 365 and Office 2019 programs:
• Microsoft Office Specialist Program exam task instructions generally do not include the command name.
Achieve exam success with our expert-guided study tools and personalised preparation paths.
An industry-recognized certificate that proves you've got what it takes to succeed in your profession.
Earn an official badge to show off your certification on LinkedIn and Credly.
Get full support and mentorship from us through webinars, learning modules, and personalized career tools to help you achieve your desired career.
Take the pretest on Microsoft Word Associate (Office 2019 or 365 Apps) to find out which package you should get that suits your current level of skill!
You will get this material for certification later and access to GMetrix and LearnKey
Manage Documents
Insert and Format Text, Paragraphs, and Sections
Manage Tables and Lists
Create and Manage References
Insert and Format Graphic elements
Manage Document Collaboration
For more details, download the syllabus
Download Objective Domains
Learn with LearnKey
Practice with CertPREP
Schedule a time to take your Exams From Home
Get certified, be qualified!
Learn with LearnKey
Practice with CertPREP
Schedule a time to take your Exams From Home
Get certified, be qualified!
Hear the real stories from our students.
Saat ini, skill Microsoft Office pasti digunakan dalam dunia kerja. Oleh karena itu, aku juga ingin meningkatkan kemampuanku terlebih khusus pada Microsoft Word. Aku merasa sangat terbantu karena dengan belajar dan mengikuti sertifikasi Microsoft Word, memudahkanku untuk mengerjakan skripsi.
Perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat membuatku merasa insecure dengan kemampuan yang ku miliki, itu yang menjadi alasan kenapa aku memilih sertifikasi Microsoft Word Associate di MyEduSolve. Melalui sertifikasi Microsoft Word Associate, aku juga bisa membuat dan merapikan layout modul materi pembelajaran.
Sebagai seseorang yang aktif mengikuti lomba karya tulis ilmiah, sertifikasi Microsoft Word Associate benar-benar memudahkanku dalam menyusun paper. Dengan memiliki keterampilan yang semakin baik dalam mengolah Microsoft Word, sekarang lebih mudah dalam mengikuti lomba karena dapat memaksimalkan segala tools yang ada.
All-in Package (LearnKey, CertPREP, Retake)
Rp 1.500.000