
Yayasan MyEduSolve Karya Indonesia

Our foundation for equitable digital literacy education and digital transformation.

Our Vision

Building an inclusive, digitally empowered Indonesia.

Our Mission

Empowering and providing digital literacy for Indonesians to reach their fullest potential.

Creating opportunities for the growth of women, economically disadvantaged individuals, and rural communities through access to education, training, and international certification.

Sustainable Development Goals

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Target 4.3

By 2030

Ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university.

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Target 4.4

By 2030

Substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.

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Target 4.5

By 2030

Eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations.

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Target 5.B

Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women.

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Target 5.B

Our foundation (YMKI) focuses on women, people on low incomes, and rural communities.

These groups experience barriers to accessing digital literacy education or employment opportunities in related fields.

Target Beneficiaries

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People on Low Incomes

People on low incomes face challenges in accessing technology and digital skills education, which in turn hinders their participation in the modern workforce.

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Women and Girls

Women still experience barriers in the workplace, particularly in fields related to ICT and digital skills where they are outnumbered by men.

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Rural Communities

The shift to digital learning has overwhelmed many, especially families in rural or low socioeconomic areas lacking guidance. They urgently need support to navigate this new educational landscape.

Acknowledging these challenges, we are committed to supporting them by cultivating an inclusive digital learning environment. This involves providing access to digital trainings international certifications, enabling our intended recipients to unlock opportunities within the modern workforce.

Partner with Us

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Funding, sponsorship and CSR partners

For businesses, organizations, individuals and groups who want to support our projects.

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Project and implementation partners

For non-profits, charities, schools, and communities who want to collaborate on projects.